Wednesday, December 28, 2011


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Sunday, December 25, 2011

How To Melt Away Cellulite

!9#: How To Melt Away Cellulite

Cellulite is nasty looking fatty deposits that cause a dimpling effect to the hip, thighs, and buttocks of women around the world. It can be caused by many things including hormonal changes and toxins that build up in the body. The hormonal factor makes this skin condition more common in women then men. Cellulite has been described as looking like cottage cheese under the skin. This is due to the fatty deposits under the skin.

Who can get cellulite? Although it is not common, it can strike men just as it does women, however, women are generally stricken with it more often; between eighty five to ninety eight percent of women have cellulite to some degree. It is indiscriminate; body weight and size are not a factor. Interestingly enough, more Caucasian women develop cellulite than Asian women, leading to the conclusion that diet may have an important role in who develops the condition and who does not.

Some studies have indicated that those who are overweight may be more prone to developing cellulite, while others have indicated the complete opposite.

-Heredity- believe it or not, heredity is a factor that must be take into consideration. If there is a family history of cellulite, then chances are that you may develop it also.

-Water- this is critical for life. It is recommended that you drink eight glasses of water per day. Doing this will flush out any toxins that are in your body.

-Diet- poor dietary habits such as greasy, fat filled foods, along with large amounts of caffeine, and alcohol have all been proven to be contributors to the problem, however use of caffeine has also shown good results as a form of treatment for cellulite.

-Smoking- by now you have heard of the dangers of smoking, well here is one more. Smoking reduces blood circulation, slowing down skin saturation and reducing elasticity.

-Medication - there are some instances when medication delays the body's purification process. When this happens, the toxins remain in the body and build up. This can result in fatty deposits.

These are just a few of the contribution factors to the development of cellulite. The effects of it reach far beyond the cottage cheese effect. Severe cases can cause long-term emotional damage by affecting the person's self-esteem. It can force them to avoid certain social situations such as wearing shorts, of attending beach and pool parties, or any occasion where wearing certain clothing may be embarrassing or awkward.

There is no cure for cellulite; once you develop it you have it for life. There are however steps you can take to reduce the appearance of cellulite:

1. Skin tone - it is very important to keep your skin firm and toned. This can be done by using over the counter skin creams and lotions.

2. Moisturizers - the sun can cause damage to your skin in a number of way, when you use moisturizers, you will protect your skin from the sun's rays and eliminate the risk of dimpling or the cottage cheese effect.

3. Staying in shape - it is important to keep physically fit for a number of reasons. When you have cellulite, it is especially important. When your muscle tone is good, it will help your skin to stay firm and increase the blood flow to the skin, reducing the chance of cellulite from forming.

4. Diet - Maintaining a healthy diet is important for many different reasons. In order to prevent cellulite or minimize the damage, you need to include fruits and vegetable in your diet. Eating fatty, greasy food will do more damage in the long run. In the Asian culture, it is very rare for red meat to be consumed. The Asian diet consists of mainly fruits and vegetables. It is interesting to note that the number of people of Asian descent who have develop cellulite is very low.

5. Detoxification - this is an essential part of cleansing your body and flushing out toxins that may cause the effects of cellulite to develop rapidly. Detox diets were created to do just that. They enhance your metabolism and speed up your digestive rate. Most of the detox diets are geared around fresh and natural food, allowing very little else.

6. Body Wraps - many spas offer body wraps. They are a combination of algae and seaweed that are mixed with special skin lotions. This is not only an excellent way to spend your day off; it is also an excellent treatment for cellulite. Body wraps can increase the flow of blood significantly thereby providing a temporary solution for cellulite.

7. Caffeine - studies have indicated that when small amounts of caffeine are injected into the dimples of the cellulite, it can reduce their size considerable.

8. Liposuction - this procedure was developed to remove fat that is set deep inside the body. Doctors do not recommend this procedure for cellulite removal, as it is very expensive and not very effective when used for this purpose.

9. Massage Therapy - Endermologie is an effective massage therapy that has had tremendous results. It is done by using a series of rollers and a suction device to maneuver the skin into a different position by promoting more blood circulation.

10. Creams and lotions - Creams and lotions that contain green tea or Retinol A are extremely effective in breaking down the amount of fat that is in the body. These two ingredients also have the added benefit of rejuvenating the skin.

Cellulite is a skin condition that is here to stay. It only gets worse if you leave it untreated. Age is a major factor, as you get older, your chances of developing this skin condition increase. New and innovative products are developed every day for the treatment of cellulite, however there is no cure for it.

How To Melt Away Cellulite

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Reducing Cellulite on Thighs

!9#: Reducing Cellulite on Thighs

There is no perfect cause that is known to give raise to cellulite condition but one hypothesis about how cellulite forms is when the connective tissues lattice work underneath the skin differs in males and females. In females, the lattice work builds fair chances for the fats to protrude and give dimply or orange peel appearance to the skin especially over the larger and bigger areas of the human body such as thighs, buttocks, hips and abdomen.

Out of all, cellulite on thighs can trouble more, especially when it comes to wear such apparels where the thighs are exposed. Thighs, being one of the main organs of the woman's body where the fats are accumulated get easily dimpled.

There is no miraculous treatment that can get you rid of cellulite overnight. You must workout and should be sincere about the condition and appearance cellulite brings to you. However, you can lessen cellulite within just couple of weeks if you perform certain exercises, take restricted diet and treat cellulite locally.

You can start with workout in gym. You can ask your gym master about the health equipments that can burn your fatty layers from the thighs in a shorter period. Thigh-hip exercises give maximum benefits in reducing cellulite on thighs. You can also go for skipping rope and Treadmill that make thigh muscles to work and lose fat that is present around.

There are many anti-cellulite creams, lotions and gels that you can apply over the thighs to reduce cellulite. Certain devices such as vibrator and hot-packs have favorable results in reducing cellulite from the thighs. Many naturopaths advise to apply some essential oils such as grapefruit (Citrus paradise), cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) and jupiner (Juniperus communis) etc can help reducing cellulite from the thighs if used regularly in combination.

Anti-cellulite pills can also help reducing overall cellulite condition from the body. Some of the potential herbs such as Guggulu, Terminaila, Eclipta, Gingko, Indian gooseberry etc have been prescribed since years as folk remedies to regulate metabolism and restore body enzymes along with accelerating the fat-burning process in the body.

Latest researches and clinical trials reveal that Yoga and light aerobics can help you reducing cellulite especially from the buttocks, thighs and abdomen. Pranayama (breath techniques) is also one of the best methods that are harmless but very effective restoring body energy and reducing cellulite from the thighs.

You can also go for certain exercises such as swimming that can drastically reducing thigh cellulite. Certain sports that involve running (like lawn-tennis, volleyball, football) are also advisable to reduce cellulite from the thighs. Such physical activities not only reduce the cellulite from the body but the also provide flexibility to the body removing all the joint stiffness.

Latest techniques such as endermologie are also considered to be very effective reducing cellulite from the thighs and hence it is worldwide accepted. Laser therapies and radioactive therapies also have favorable results in reducing cellulite from the thighs; however, such surgeries are invasive as compared to other techniques.

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Five Simple And Cheap Ways To Detox Your Body Naturally

!9#: Five Simple And Cheap Ways To Detox Your Body Naturally

Yes, it's now time to give some attention to your beautiful and very clever body. Without any added stresses such as fatty foods, bad diets, excess sugar, chemicals, toxins, environmental pollution and your own "mental miss use" such as stress (which is highly toxic as it releases free radicals which accelerates aging) your body could quite efficiently detox itself via the skin (your largest organ) along with other key organs and circulatory systems.

However in the world we live today our bodies need all the extra support they can get for the efficient removal of harmful toxins.

Rather than give you an extensive list which can be overwhelming I felt it best to highlight five potent habits which are simple yet highly effective in detoxing your body naturally. Firstly, I'm keen to share my personal favourite.

Body brushing rocks:

I'm in love with body brushing and have been for years. It was when visiting my iridologist years ago he detected that my skin was not breathing at all. Even though my skin look perfectly fine to me, dead skin cells were invisibly lying on its surface blocking the elimination of toxins. This then put more pressure on my internal organs. Way back then the concept of my skin breathing was a total life changing awakening for me.

I immediately began giving full attention not just to my face and hands but to my entire skin covering my body. It soon started to breathe and detox with joy. The most obvious difference personally was increased energy levels.

Both sweating through the skins pores and dry or wet body scrubbing are fabulous ways for the skin to assist the body in detoxing naturally.

Five simple ways to detox your body naturally:

1. Dry body brushing:

It's easy, takes no more than five minutes before you shower and anyone can do it. Buy a brush mit or body brush (long brush is good so you can reach all the tricky places) from any health food store and give your entire body the attention, cleansing and stimulation it deserves.

Before you get into the shower or bath start by scrubbing the skin with gentle circular motions. This supports:

* removing dead skin cells

* unblocking pores

* stimulation of your lympathic system (very important)

* helps your skin breathe which in turn can oxygenate the body

In addition to a gentle circular motion you can vigorously scrub the skin which helps with cellulite and the removal of toxins at a deeper level.

2. Drinks lots of water:

Yes, I know boring, tricky for me to do in Winter but quite easy to manage in Summer when I tend to be thirster more often.

Drink as much fresh water as you can. Water flushes unwanted toxins from your body and keeps your brain sharp. Foggy thinking sets in when you are dehydrated.

Soft drinks, teas and coffees are not a substitute for water.

To make sure I remind myself to have lots of water during the day I have three glass water bottles. One beside my bed, one I take in the car and the other one beside the computer. I often leave one beside my handbag simply to remind me to take it with me when I'm going out. Even if I'm only going out for five minutes I'll still take it with me to keep the momentum flowing.

3. Focus on your breath:

The majority of people walking around this planet today have forgotten to breathe. Breathing can quickly make your thinking excited or calm, tense or relaxed, gentle and clear. Deep, slow and conscious breathing is the key to oxygenating your lungs, bloodstream, heart and whole brain.

Correct breathing (slow and deep) supports the removal of an enormous amount of carbon dioxide from your lungs and toxic gases from your body. It's also useful to imagine all stress, worries and laziness being released from your body as you exhale.

Opportunities to focus on your breathe throughout your day:

1. Before you get out of bed

2. Before you drive off in your car

3. Whilst sitting at your computer periodically during the day

4. Before you begin cooking

4. Sweat once a day:

Sweating regenerates your skin and helps detox the body. Living in a humid climate as I do in Queensland, Australia doesn't require much effort in getting the body to sweat. Couple this with drinking lots of water and you are well on the way to simply detoxifying your body. A sauna is another easy way to sweat with minimal effort on your part.

However exercise until you sweat is the ultimate way to detox the body as there are many many benefits with the physical work out as well.

Bikram yoga which I must admit to have not yet tried but have many friends that do is another option for allowing the body to sweat naturally. A bikram yoga class room is heated to 37 degrees (around the same temperature as our bodies temperature) and gives you the cleansing and detoxing benefits of a sauna along with the cleansing and detoxing benefits of certain yoga poses.

Here is a short youtube video on Bikram yoga in action.

5. Stretch:

Stretching improves blood circulation and releases toxins from your body. It is through my yoga practice, particularly the body twists which gently encourage the internal organs to release toxins. If you have never done yoga before I highly recommend it.

If getting to a yoga, tai chi, dance or stretch class is difficult there are lots of fabulous DVD's that you can buy for use in your own home or search you tube to learn more about stretching sequences you can do in your own home.

Thanks for reading my article.

Peace, love and lots of healthy bodies to you all, Carole.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Therasage Far Infrared Heated Sauna Belt Sb1111

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Best Therasage Far Infrared Heated Sauna Belt Sb1111 Details

  • Emulsifies cellulite
  • Natural pain relief
  • Enhances your metabolism
  • Burns calories
  • Even distribution and delivery system of beneficial Far Infrared heat and Negative Ions

Tutorial Therasage Far Infrared Heated Sauna Belt Sb1111 Description

Far Infrared Heated Sauna BeltTherasage, as the leader in Far Infrared heat technology, has harnessed its applied science, in its latest application the Sauna Belt. Traditional pads use an electric heating coil and emit high levels of electromagnetic radiation. Such products only heat your skin, while our unique belt has enhanced therapeutic benefits, penetrates 200--300 times deeper into your body with no exposure to electromagnetic radiation. It has been proven that Far Infrared frequency resonates at the same level as water. When the all natural Far Infrared frequency is applied to our bodies, the water molecules become energized and this signals the cells to purge the stored toxins. At the same time it breaks up fat clusters called cellulite.Far infrared heat improves blood flow, increases the body's metabolic rate and burns calories at the very same time. Safety features include an on/off LCD timer with auto shut off which makes this very unique weight reduction and pain relief product, a must have for everyone.Features and Benefits Emulsifies cellulite Natural pain relief Detoxify Enhances your metabolism Burns calories Even distribution and delivery system of beneficial Far Infrared heat and Negative Ions Insignificant electromagnetic radiation Safe, long---lasting, deep penetrating therapeutic heat Additional accessory for use in cars and boats is available Soft and flexible format LCD multi---function time and temperature controller, including sleep mode Extra long 12 foot power cord All natural deep penetrating heat Antibacterial materials Affordably priced One size fits all One year factory warranty

Spec Therasage Far Infrared Heated Sauna Belt Sb1111 Complete

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Delfin Spa Bio Ceramic Tummy Tightener (Belly Band)

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Best Delfin Spa Bio Ceramic Tummy Tightener (Belly Band) Details

  • Bio-Ceramic Technology for Optimal Effectiveness. Wear During Exercise for Back Support and Assist with Fitness Goals.
  • Great for Post Pregnancy Tummy Firming, Stretch Mark Reduction.
  • Back Support During Breast Feeding. Body Contouring.
  • Helps to Decrease Bloating and Water Retention. Outer Pocket for Ipod/Phone/Keys.
  • Fully Adjustable Velco Liner. Small - Up to 44 inches; Large - Up to 51 inches.

Tutorial Delfin Spa Bio Ceramic Tummy Tightener (Belly Band) Description

Newly introduced! Delfin Spa Tummy Tightener is designed to provide heat and compression to the abdominal area of the body. The band can be used both to enhance exercise and workouts as well as to help post-pregnancy moms flatten their stomachs and minimize stretch marks. The Tummy TIghtener is more comfortable than many alternative products while employing advanced Bio-ceramic technology to maximize effectiveness. Embedded bio-ceramic material in the band provides a thermal benefit to assist in weight loss, stomach shaping and penetration of stretch mark creams to improve their performance. BENEFITS: Wear under clothing post-pregnancy to help shrink tummy. Use with a stretch mark cream to improve cream performance. Wear during exercise for back support and assist with fitness goals. Helps to decrease bloating and water retention. Reduce post-op C Section recovery by minimizing pain and increasing mobility (consult your Physician prior to use). Reflecting Body Heat: The Tummy Tightener contains a layer of neoprene lined with Bio Ceramic. This combination helps retain body heat by reflecting the body's natural heat rays (Far Infrared Rays). The result is effective heat generation utilizing a very thin neoprene. The body's metabolism generates these Far Infrared Rays, as does the bio-ceramic material. Bio Ceramic Tummy Tightener Product Features: A) Completely Adjustable Sizing (The entire outer side is lined with the velcro 'loop' which is what the velcro sticks to. So as your waistline changes, you can simply adjust the tummy band accordingly). B) Soft neoprene contours to fit any body. C) Pocket for Ipod/Keys/Cell Phone. D) High Quality Velcro to Resist Wear. E) Soft Elastic Waistband. F) Anti-bacterial additive. DO NOT USE WHILE PREGNANT.

Spec Delfin Spa Bio Ceramic Tummy Tightener (Belly Band) Complete

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Pure Body - Slim Wrap Kit - Clay Refill

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Best Pure Body - Slim Wrap Kit - Clay Refill Details

  • Clay Refill - Our instant weight loss body wrap you will lose weight, inches and cellulite fast on your legs, arms, tummy and thighs. The at home herbal body wrap kit includes Sea Clay (with over 70 minerals), 3 wrapping bandages, loofah and tape meas

Tutorial Pure Body - Slim Wrap Kit - Clay Refill Description

Clay Refill - Our instant weight loss body wrap you will lose weight, inches and cellulite fast on your legs, arms, tummy and thighs. The at home herbal body wrap kit includes Sea Clay (with over 70 minerals), 3 wrapping bandages, loofah and tape measure.

Spec Pure Body - Slim Wrap Kit - Clay Refill Complete

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Monday, August 8, 2011

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Aloe Body Toning Kit

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Best Aloe Body Toning Kit Details

  • The Aloe Body Toning Kit includes: Aloe Body Toner
  • Aloe Body Conditioning Creme
  • Aloe Bath Gelée
  • Loofah and plastic wrap

Tutorial Aloe Body Toning Kit Description

Indulge yourself with an at-home body wrap designed to help trim, tone and tighten, minimizing the appearance of cellulite. European herbal complexes and natural warming agents are your "secret weapons" in the war against the unsightly appearance of cellulite.Aloe Body Toner, a wonderfully warming and invigorating cream, is combined with the power of stabilized Aloe Vera Gel to shape and tone the skin. Formulated to be used with cellophane wrap, it contains emulsifiers, moisturizers and humectants, plus warming agents.This specially prepared cream, designed to beautify and firm the body, includes ingredients chosen to provide a rich warming and invigorating feeling. Our secret is in combining aloe and select European herbs with two remarkable warming agents, Cinnamon Oil and Capsicum. Beautifies body while toning and firming Moisturizes and conditions the skin Superb combination of herbal complexes and warming ingredients.Aloe Body Conditioning Creme is the ideal partner to Aloe Body Toner for keeping your body feeling smooth and supple. These complementary elements of the Body Toning Kit, combined with proper diet and regular exercise, can help reduce the appearance of cellulite.There are many reasons for the appearance of cellulite. Both an imbalance in hormonal activity and high levels of estrogen can be contributing factors. It can also be caused by a breakdown in the vascular system. (Nutritional supplements to help support the vascular system are Forever CardioHealth, Nature-Min, Absorbent-C, A-Beta-CareE). Aloe Body Conditioning Creme helps stimulate circulation under the skin, which can help break up the trapped fluids and fatty tissue that frequently cause cellulite.A thick emollient cream, Aloe Body Conditioning Creme is rich in European herbal extracts, emulsifiers and humectants. Aloe Bath Gelée-Rich in pure, stabilized aloe vera gel that is certified with the International Aloe Science Council Seal of Approval. Moisturizing shower gel

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Saturday, June 18, 2011

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Slim Success Anti-Cellulite Wraps - 4 x 2 Wraps

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Best Slim Success Anti-Cellulite Wraps - 4 x 2 Wraps Details

  • Slim Success Anti-Cellulite Wraps--4 x 2 Wraps
  • Year Introduced: 1969

Tutorial Slim Success Anti-Cellulite Wraps - 4 x 2 Wraps Description

Observed results in eliminating cellulite Reduces orange peel Streamlines & firms thighs Optimizes tone of buttocks Increases firmness of stomach Redefines the shape of your body lineProduct Line: Lancome - Body CareProduct Size: 4 x 2 Wraps

Spec Slim Success Anti-Cellulite Wraps - 4 x 2 Wraps Complete

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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lily se ervaring by Per Amore

Lily se praat oor hoe die dermosonic behandelings is nuttig op enige ouderdom te help kinders voorkoms verbeter. Lynn Banfi die "Cellulite expert" in Beverly Hills, Kalifornië. Bel as jy meer inligting wil hê oor behandelings 310-248-5201. * Dermosonic behandelings is nie net vir die hulp van die liggaam kontoere, maar ook om te help met die voorkoms van selluliet en vir post-op, lipo suctions, en plastiese chirurgie pasiënte. Per Amore is Beverly Hills première sentrum vir liggaam vorm,selluliet te verminder, en duim en vet verlies. Lynn Banfi, die Cellulite Expert, gebruik die Dermosonic en Zerona tegnologie te help elke individuele kry hulle ideale liggaam beeld. Faam chirurge raai Per Amore vir hulp post-operatiewe pasiënte spoed hulle herstel, asook help om te verminder swelling en pyn. Lynn het nasionale blootstelling op die show Die Drs en talle artikels in verskeie tydskrifte. Meer gedetailleerde inligting: die Zerona is 'n nie-indringende behandeling wat resultate in duimevan vet verloor van die liggaam. Alhoewel Zerona is 'n stand-alone tegnologie, baie kliënte meer dinamiese resultate deur die neem van die behandelings in samewerking met die ander dienste, soos limfatiese dreinering massage het gemeld, infrarooi vou of ander massage dienste. Dermosonic is die mees doeltreffende behandeling gevind dat die voorkoms van selluliet te verminder deur effektief gerig op die onderhuidse vetlaag. Dit is FDA skoongemaak. Dermosonic kombineer ultraklank en nie-indringende subdermal terapie te verminder...

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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

DYANNA SPA pakkingen & Scrubs TREATMENTS.ANTI-CELLULITE.MASSAGE.MANHATTAN New York NY DYANNA SPA pakkingen & Scrubs TREATMENTS.ANTI-CELLULITE.MASSAGE NYC.MANHATTAN New York NY Best of stad soek: New York NYC Spa en Beauty Best New York NYC Massage and Beauty Spa 2009 Beste New York NYC Deep massering spa en Beauty 2009-2010 Best New York ...

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Silhouette Detox Paraffin Starter Kit - Treatment

!9# Silhouette Detox Paraffin Starter Kit - Treatment

Brand : | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : May 04, 2011 12:24:04 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Everything you need to perform full or partial body paraffin treatments. Treatment procedures are as follows: Amber's cellulite gel is applied to problem areas and covered with a layer of warm herbal paraffin resulting in lymphatic and circulatory stimulation assisting the body in drawing out fats and toxins, ultimately reducing the appearance of cellulite. The kit includes: an 8 oz. bottle of Cellulite Gel, 6 lb. Detoxifying Paraffin, 10 Kleen Wraps, one thermal blanket, 25 drape sheets and one technician guide. The treatment costs are astoundingly low-average use two teaspoons of gel, 1/2/ lb. of paraffin and five drape sheets per client-total cost .91

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dry Room Treatments: Body Wraps, Vol. 2

Check Out Dry Room Treatments: Body Wraps, Vol. 2

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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Cellulite Body Wraps Exposed!

!9# Cellulite Body Wraps Exposed!

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Cellulite Body Wraps are one of the most popular things these days and is available in various spas and salons worldwide. Cellulite wrap to remove fat and skin is smooth. They are less awkward and more convenient than other procedures, including liposuction, and do not cost a fortune.

wrap the cells are very popular and now have more help in cellulite. The good thing is their accessibility and availabilityin most spas. This winding eliminate toxins and increase circulation in areas affected by cellulite are, makes the skin firmer and smoother.

It 'important to understand how the envelope. In substance stimulates the metabolism, thus supporting the detoxification of the body. They contain ingredients, including algae, seaweed extracts. Sometimes the results will be solved immediately, but in some cases, the results can be achieved in more than two sessions. The only bad thingis that it is only a temporary solution to the problem of cellulite.

Let's look at how it works. The following two-step procedure is at most spas for people who have the wrap treatment.

First step: identify the area that struck first and remove all the clothes from that specific area. The person spa peeling skin with salt scrub. Then they are prepared in a cream based on algae, cup, and share the algae. But in some casesmoisturizer, along with the cream used, depending on skin type. The lotion contains Dead Sea mud and has proven to be extremely effective when it comes to building muscle and smooth the skin. The therapeutic nature of the mud makes a product that is widely used in spa and salon around the world.

Second step: once the lotions were applied, the skin is ready for use through the mud and the casing. The cellulite wrap is usually a warm cloth or seaweed. The mud isRecord all the impurities from the skin refreshed and removed.

cellulite wrap takes about 20-40 minutes, leaving the skin fresh, toned and firm. Once the casing is removed, the mud is removed with care and attention. Moisturizing Lotion is then applied, as in the times of the pack dries the skin and causes wrinkles. Drink plenty of water so that the skin is soft and compact recommended.

Cellulite Body Wraps Exposed!

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Kim Kardashian admits Cellulite Removal

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Far-Infrared Slimming Siut. Anti Cellulite and Weight Loss Body Wrap

!9# Far-Infrared Slimming Siut. Anti Cellulite and Weight Loss Body Wrap

Brand : NEW SPA | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Mar 15, 2011 23:00:05 | Usually ships in 3-4 business days

  • Two layers of infrared heating pads with multi band channels
  • Specially designed for cellulite reduction and weight loss
  • Ultra low voltage
  • Regulated temperature from 86 to 158F (30 to 70C)
  • Waterproof, bio-ceramic fabrique and flexible strong heating wires allow to wrap it tightly around the body

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Far-Infrared Slimming Siut. Anti Cellulite and Weight Loss Body Wrap

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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gabrialla Breathable Elastic Abdominal Binder for Women, Small

!±8± Gabrialla Breathable Elastic Abdominal Binder for Women, Small

Brand : Gabrialla | Rate : | Price : $23.99
Post Date : Mar 04, 2011 08:45:10 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Gabrialla Breathable Elastic Abdominal Binder for Women, Small

  • Provides Body Shaping Effect.
  • Postpartum Abdominal Support. (especially after C-section)
  • Recommended in cases of abdominal hernia.
  • Contour fit and easily adjustable.
  • Unnoticeable under clothes

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Gabrialla Breathable Elastic Abdominal Binder for Women, Small

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Thursday, February 24, 2011



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